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More Phoenix Days

March 15 More Phoenix Days Today was awesome with a side affect of lame. Because mum said that I'm not allowed to play video games until I do my 22 blogs that I haven't done. So I'm going backwards in time starting with today. But it's already 3:00 so will go back to 8:30 when I was playing minions paradise and then mum told me to get off the game and start blogging then I ate breakfast blogged and walked the Kizmet. Then we went to a play ground and we ate lunch. Then we went to the park. I haven't seen such a good playground in… I think my entire life. They had a giant rope tower if you fell of the top you would most likely die and that wasn't very hard to do. Then it got to hot and we hadn't brought enough water so we went home. That's all for today.

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